Shariah Consultancy

By utilizing the Shariah consultancy service provided by Islamic Economics Centre, Dar al-Iftaa Ahl al-Sunnah (Dawat-e-Islami), you can ensure that your large-scale business operations align with the teachings of Shariah. Our team comprises expert Islamic scholars and Muftis who possess deep knowledge of contemporary trade practices. They will provide comprehensive solutions to address any Shariah-related challenges you may encounter.

If you aim to bring your institute or company into compliance with Shariah principles and educate your finance and accounts personnel about interest-based and non-interest-based systems, our services are available to assist you.

We can assist you in establishing a process flow that adheres to Shariah principles, thus safeguarding your transactions against potential errors.

Through our guidance, you can develop Shariah-compliant products and explore innovative approaches within the boundaries set by Shariah in your business dealings.

Our Shariah consultancy services are accessible through face-to-face consultations or online meetings. To schedule a meeting, please contact us and follow this link

Take Appointment

Admin No: 03037862512

Contact Timing: 11 AM to 4 PM


To schedule an appointment, please contact us using this email ID. However, kindly note that questions will not be answered on this ID. When sending an email, remember to include your phone number, company name, and indicate your preferred day and time for the appointment.
